Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One More Day!

Hopefully by this time tomorrow, we'll have good news about the courts and will be able to post Ava's photos on our blog. I was worried that the weeks would drag by as we wait for court, but things have been so busy around here, the 12th has just zoomed up on us.

We have had Olivia home with the swine flu, our dog has been diagnosed with bladder stones (for a second time), and Madeline had to come home from school today with pink eye. So that, on top of our usual stuff, has made the time fly by.

We need some good news and we hope we'll get that tomorrow.

Please PRAY tonight as you go to sleep for our little Ava and her court date. It will be Thursday morning there and we need the judge to be in a good mood, the paperwork to be complete, and the birthmom to be present. Lots of things need to be in order!!!!! We are ready to have Ava here with us!

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