So summer flew by without any updates......sorry about that! With the kids being home, there just didn't seem to be time to update the blog. Tonight they are all in bed and ready to start their first day of school tomorrow. It will just be mommy and Ava at home again and Ava will be missing her sisters. They did a great job of entertaining her this summer.
Ava was quite the traveler this summer. We went to Ocean City, MD, Myrtle Beach, SC, and Boston, MA. She loved the pool and ocean....think I'll put her in swim lessons this year. She is almost walking and can crawl at record speeds. She just discovered she can get herself up the steps, so the gates went up this weekend. She is 16 months old and is still in the 95 percentile for weight and has dropped down to the 75th percentile for height. Her favorite activities are rolling/throwing the ball and reading her books. We are working very hard to get her to say a few words, but she isn't cooperating. I am taking her this month to have her hearing checked, just to make sure that isn't an issue.
She loves to make us laugh and she has figured out little tricks to get our attention. She pretends like she has a cough and then we all look over and say, "Ahhh, does Ava have a cough?" and she just cracks up. Her other favorite trick is to pretend she is putting her food in her mouth, but at the last minute she flings it over the side of her high chair so the dogs can eat it. She thinks that is just so funny. She loves for us to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider (over and over and over). We are branching out to new songs because we all are sick of singing that song!
My favorite thing is to go in and get her out of her crib in the morning. She is always standing there with a big smile on her face ready to start the day.Then gives me a huge hug.......can't think of a better way to begin the day! She is such a happy girl!
We were discussing the other day that she has now been home with us longer than she was in Ethiopia. It's just amazing how much she has grown and changed. Everyday is something new and we love experiencing all of it with her!